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Short-term rentals have become an attractive source of income for many, especially with the emergence of platforms such as Airbnb, Abritel, or LeBonCoin.
However, in Paris, the rules for renting out are strict and depend on the status of your property: primary residence, secondary residence or rental property.

Open Up offers you the opportunity to gain a clearer understanding of these different regulations, so that you can rent out your apartment on a short-term basis with greater peace of mind.

How do I rent out my apartment?

For owners of principal residences :

If you occupy your Paris apartment for at least 8 months of the year, you're in a good position to rent it out on a short-term basis. Here are the steps to follow:

  • Online declaration: Start by declaring your meublé de tourisme online.
  • Registration number: Once the declaration has been made, you will be issued with a registration number by the municipal authorities. Without this number, you risk a fine of up to 5,000 euros.
  • Limitation on rental days: the Elan law stipulates that you can only rent out your main residence for a maximum of 120 days per year.
  • Check the condominium bylaws: Make sure that tourist rentals are not prohibited in your building.
  • Exceptions: If you live in social housing, you will unfortunately not be able to rent it out on a short-term basis.

For owners of second homes :

Renting out second homes in Paris is a more complicated process, as the mayor's office is seeking to limit this practice to avoid a housing shortage. However, here's how:

  • Change of use with compensation: You need to obtain authorization from the town hall to convert your second home into commercial premises. To do so, you'll need to offer to convert a commercial space into a residential unit in the same arrondissement.
  • Surface compensation: If you own offices or other commercial spaces, you can offer them for conversion into residential units. In some neighborhoods, this conversion could require two or three times the surface area of your second home.
  • Declaration and registration: Once all the authorizations are in place, you can obtain a registration number from the town hall.
  • Beware of penalties: Penalties for non-compliance can be severe, up to 50,000 euros. The town council has even set up a reporting system for illegal rentals.

For tenants wishing to sublet :

If you're renting an apartment in Paris, it's possible to take advantage of the benefits of short-term rentals. However, you need to take certain precautions:

  • Obtaining your landlord's agreement: First and foremost, make sure you obtain written authorization from your landlord. Without it, you risk legal sanctions.
  • Respect the price limit: You can't earn more than your monthly rent. For example, if your rent is 1,000 euros per month, you can't earn more than 33 euros per night through subletting.

Whether you're an owner or a tenant, short-term rentals of furnished accommodation in Paris are governed by strict regulations. It's essential to be well-informed and to follow the appropriate procedures to avoid penalties. If you rent your property legally, you'll be able to enjoy the benefits of your investment with complete peace of mind.

Luxury concierge services in Paris, the solution for short-term apartment rentals!

In the regulatory maze of short-term rentals in Paris, a solution is emerging for owners and tenants wishing to optimize their investment or generate additional income while remaining in compliance with the law: luxury concierge services.
These professionals, specialized in the management of occasional, seasonal and short-term rentals, provide a tailor-made response to the demands of the Paris market.

The first advantage of a luxury concierge service is its perfect command of the legal framework. By outsourcing the management of your property, you entrust your apartment to experts who ensure that all obligations are met, from obtaining a registration number to limiting the number of rental days. There's no need to worry about administrative details - everything is handled professionally.

But that's not all. The promise of luxury is also reflected in the experience offered to tenants. Our Airbnb Open Upconcierge service takes care of everything, from staging the apartment to providing apersonalized welcome for visitors, including services such as daily cleaning, key management and outside service providers, as well as exclusive à la carte services: butler, cook, VIP welcome, greeter service at airports and train stations, etc.

This guarantees not only rave reviews from guests, but also premium rental rates, maximizing your return on investment.

Finally, opting for a luxury concierge service in Paris when renting an apartment on a short-term basis also means freeing yourself from time and constraints, while ensuring maximum profitability. In a market as competitive and regulated as that of Paris, this is undoubtedly the key to success for any owner or tenant wishing to make the most of their property.

Contact Open Up for an Airbnb concierge service