Site owner

SARL Open Up
Siret: 337 871 636 00029

Head office address: 48 rue Michel Ange 75016 Paris
Tel: +33(0)6 715 018 45

VAT number : FR34337871636

Carte T: CPI 7501 2021 000 000 095 issued by the Paris Chamber of Commerce and Industry
No funds held

Mediator: ANM

Publication manager: Juliette LAURENS


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Site design and production, illustrations: Flamant Jaune Paris / @flamantjauneparis

Site photos: Mr Photos, Emmanuelle Swan, Isaure Lambert

Privacy policy

1. Definition and nature of personal data

In order to carry out the concierge and interior design services subscribed to with our company within the framework of the General Terms and Conditions of Sale and/or during your use of the website accessible at (hereinafter the "Platform"), we may ask you to provide us with personal data concerning you, meaning any data that makes it possible to identify an individual directly or indirectly.
In this context, we collect the following data:

1.1 Information you provide For the proper performance of the services we offer, and in particular payment services, we collect the following data:

  • Information enabling you to be identified when subscribing to services, opening an account on the Platform or making a payment: surname, first name, e-mail address of the person authorized to open the account on the Platform, home or registered office postal address, telephone number, SIRET number for sole traders;
  • Payment information: credit card numbers, BIC and IBAN numbers for SEPA direct debits;
  • Any information you choose to provide.

1.2 Information we collect automatically when you use the Platform When you use the Platform, where applicable, and for the proper performance of services, we may also collect personal data about you automatically through the tools and services offered on the Platform.
We may collect the following data:

  • Information about your use of the Platform's tools and functionalities: we collect information about your interactions with the Platform and, in particular, the pages or content consulted on the Platform, the links you have clicked on;
  • Connection data and data relating to the equipment and devices you use to connect to the Platform: we collect connection data from devices when you access and use the Platform, including if you have not opened an account on our Platform, and in particular, your IP address, dates and times of connection, data relating to the hardware and software used, unique identifiers, crash data, pages viewed or displayed before or after connecting to the Platform;
  • Information on payment transactions: date and time of payment, means of payment used, expiry date of means of payment, amount of payment.

2. Purpose of this charter

The purpose of this charter is to inform you about the means we use to collect and process your personal data, with the strictest respect for your rights.
In this regard, we inform you that we comply, in the collection and management of your personal data, with Law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to information technology, files and freedoms, in its current version, as well as with the General Data Protection Regulation (hereinafter "GDPR").

3. Identity of the person responsible for data collection and processing

The company responsible for collecting and processing your personal data is Open Up, a limited liability company registered in the Paris Trade and Companies Register under number 337 871 636, whose registered office is located at 48 Michel-Ange - 75016 Paris (hereinafter referred to as "We").

4.collection and processing of personal data Your personal data is collected and processed for one or more of the following purposes:

  • 1. To manage orders and the proper execution of services, as well as to respond to any request concerning said services,
  • 2. To manage your access to and use of the Platform and the services available on the Platform, and to respond to any request concerning your use of the services,
  • 3. Carry out operations relating to the management and follow-up of our relations with our customers, when using our services,
  • 4. Build up a file of customers and prospects,
  • 5. To send you newsletters or other information about our latest news and/or any changes to our services. If you do not wish us to do so, we give you the option of expressing your refusal in this respect when your data is collected;
  • 6. to send you advertising, in particular targeted advertising. If you do not wish us to do this, we give you the option of refusing to do so when your data is collected.
  • 7. To compile statistics on the use of and visits to our services, and to optimize the operation and effectiveness of the products and services we offer,
  • 8. Manage people's opinions on products, services or content,
  • 9. Comply with our legal and regulatory obligations, in particular with regard to the fight against bank fraud. In this respect, we are obliged to verify or authenticate the information collected during payment transactions.

When we collect your personal data, we inform you whether certain information is mandatory or optional. We also inform you of the possible consequences of failing to reply.

5. Recipients of collected and processed data

Your personal data will be made available to our company's staff, auditors and subcontractors (third-party service providers) involved in the provision of our services.
Your personal data may also be made available to public bodies, exclusively in order to meet our legal obligations, and to court officers, legal representatives and debt collection agencies.

6. Transfer of personal data

Your personal data will not be transferred, rented or exchanged for the benefit of third parties.
However, you are informed that we reserve the right to communicate your data to third parties in fully anonymized and aggregated form, i.e. in a form that does not allow you to be identified in any way whatsoever.

7. Retention period of personal data

1. Concerning data relating to the management and follow-up of customer relations:
Your personal data will not be kept beyond the period strictly necessary for the management of our relationship with you. However, data required to establish proof of a right or contract, or to comply with a legal obligation, will be kept for the period stipulated by the law in force.
We keep your data for a maximum period of three (3) years from the date of collection of your data or the last contact from the user or the closure of your account on the Platform, as the case may be.
At the end of this three (3) year period, we may contact you again to find out whether you wish to continue receiving information about our services.
2Concerning credit card data:
In the course of carrying out financial transactions and paying fees, we may receive personal data relating to your credit card details, in particular your credit card, IBAN or RIB numbers.
This data is only kept for as long as is necessary to carry out the transaction.
In any event, the data relating to the transaction may be kept in intermediate archives for the period stipulated in article L 133-24 of the French Monetary and Financial Code, i.e. thirteen (13) months following the debit date. This period may be extended to fifteen (15) months to take account of the possibility of using deferred debit payment cards.
3.Concerning the management of lists of opposition to receiving canvassing:
Information enabling your right of opposition to be taken into account is kept for a minimum of three (3) years from the exercise of the right of opposition.
4.Concerning audience measurement statistics:
Information stored in users' terminals or any other element used to identify users and enabling their traceability or frequentation will not be kept beyond thirteen (13) months.
5.Concerning the archiving of data relating to banking transactions:
At the end of the retention period for your data as specified above, we inform you that we archive your data for a period of two (2) years to meet our legal obligations, particularly in terms of the fight against bank fraud and money laundering.

8. Security

We inform you that we take all necessary precautions and appropriate organizational and technical measures to preserve the security, integrity and confidentiality of your personal data and, in particular, to prevent it from being distorted, damaged or accessed by unauthorized third parties.

9. Hosting

We inform you that your data will be kept and stored, for as long as it is required, on OpenUp's servers located in France in the European Union.
Your data will not be transferred outside the European Union in connection with the use of the services we offer you.

10. Cookies

Cookies are text files, often encrypted, stored in your browser. They are created when a user's browser loads a given website: the site sends information to the browser, which then creates a text file. Each time the user returns to the same site, the browser retrieves this file and sends it to the website's server.
There are three types of cookie, each serving a different purpose: technical cookies, social network cookies and advertising cookies:

  • Technical cookies are used throughout your browsing experience, to facilitate navigation and execute certain functions. A technical cookie may, for example, be used to memorize the answers entered in a form, or the user's preferences regarding the language or layout of a website, where such options are available.
  • Social network cookies may be created by social platforms to enable web designers to share their site's content on these platforms. In particular, these cookies may be used by social platforms to track users' browsing habits on the website concerned, whether or not they use these cookies.
  • Advertising cookies may be created not only by the website on which the user is browsing, but also by other websites displaying ads, widgets or other elements on the page displayed. In particular, these cookies can be used to carry out targeted advertising, i.e. advertising determined according to the user's browsing habits.

We use technical cookies. These are stored in your browser for a period of thirteen (13) months.
We do not use cookies from social networks. Should we use them, they will only be deposited if you give your consent. You will be able to inform yourself about their nature, and accept or refuse them.
We also use advertising cookies. These cookies are deposited only if you agree. You can deactivate these cookies in the settings of your web browser.
We use Google Analytics, which is a statistical audience analysis tool that generates cookies to measure the number of visits to the Platform, the number of pages viewed and visitor activity. Your IP address is also collected to determine the city from which you are connecting. The retention period of this cookie is mentioned in article 7 (v) of the present charter.
We remind you that you may refuse the deposit of technical cookies and cookies generated by Google Analytics, by configuring your browser. However, such refusal may prevent the Platform from functioning properly.

11. Legal basis for processing

Your consent is not required for the collection of your data for the following purposes, insofar as said data is necessary for the performance of the services subscribed to, subject to compliance with what is stated in the present charter and in the legislation in force:

  • Manage orders and the proper execution of services, as well as respond to any request concerning said services,
  • To manage your access to and use of the Platform and the services available on the Platform, and to respond to any request concerning your use of the services,
  • Carry out operations relating to the management and follow-up of our relations with our customers, when using our services,

Furthermore, the processing of your data for the following purposes is based on the legitimate interests of our company:

  • Build up a file of customers and prospects,
  • Send us information about our latest news and/or any changes to our services.
  • To compile statistics on the use of and visits to our services,
  • Optimize the operation and efficiency of the products and services we offer,
  • The aim is to manage people's opinions on products, services or content,

Your consent is also not required for the following purpose, which is required by law:

  • Comply with our legal and regulatory obligations, in particular with regard to the fight against bank fraud. In this respect, we are obliged to verify or authenticate the information collected during payment transactions.

We also use advertising cookies. These cookies are only placed if you give your consent. You can deactivate these cookies in your web browser settings.
We also obtain your consent before processing your data for you:

  • Send out newsletters.
  • Send advertising, including targeted advertising.

If you do not wish us to do so, we give you the option of expressing your refusal in this respect at the time of collection of your data.

12. Access to your personal data

In accordance with the French Data Protection Act no. 78-17 of January 6, 1978, as well as the RGPD, you have the right to access your data (Article 15 of the RGPD) to obtain communication and, where appropriate, rectification or deletion (Articles 16 and 17 of the RGPD), through online access to your file. You may also contact:
E-mail address:
Postal address: 48 rue Michel-Ange - 75016 Paris
We remind you that any person may, on legitimate grounds, request the limitation of the processing of data concerning him or her (Article 18 of the RGPD) or object to said processing (Articles 21 and 22 of the RGPD).
We will inform you that in the event of rectification or erasure of your personal data, as well as limitation of processing, carried out following a request from you, we will notify the said changes to the persons to whom we have communicated your data, unless such communication proves impossible (Article 19 of the RGPD).

13. Portability of your personal data

You have a right to the portability of the personal data you have provided to us, understood as the data you have actively and consciously declared in the context of accessing and using the services, as well as the data generated by your activity in the context of using the services (Article 20 of the RGPD).
We remind you that this right does not cover data collected and processed on a legal basis other than consent or the performance of the contract binding us.
This right may be exercised free of charge, at any time, and in particular when closing your account on the Platform, in order to recover and retain your personal data.
In this context, we will send you your personal data, by any means deemed useful, in a commonly used, machine-readable standard open format, in accordance with the state of the art.

14. Making a complaint to a supervisory authority

You are also informed that you have the right to lodge a complaint with a competent supervisory authority (the Commission Nationale Informatique et Libertés in the case of France) in the Member State in which you have your habitual residence, your place of work or the place where the violation of your rights was committed, if you consider that the processing of your personal data covered by the present Charter constitutes a violation of the applicable texts.
This recourse may be exercised without prejudice to any other recourse before an administrative or judicial jurisdiction. In fact, you also have the right to an effective administrative or judicial remedy if you consider that the processing of your personal data, which is the subject of the present Charter, constitutes a violation of the applicable texts.

15. Personal data breach notification

If we become aware of a security breach in the processing of your data that is likely to result in a high risk to your rights and freedoms, we will inform you as soon as possible (Article 34 of the RGPD). On this occasion, we will detail the nature of the breach encountered and the measures put in place to put an end to it.

16. Modifications

We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to modify this charter, in whole or in part, at any time. These modifications will come into effect as of the publication of the new charter. Your use of the Platform following the entry into force of these modifications will constitute recognition and acceptance of the new charter. If you do not agree with the new charter, you should no longer access the Platform.

17. Entry into force

This charter comes into force on November 1, 2019.